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Erica Rösi Pedersen
06/25/2013 15:52:10 PDT
Oh, and for the K sound, that is just slightly harsher than G. The difference is similar to T and D. She still needs to press the tongue more lightly and softly transition to the next word.

Erica Rösi Pedersen
06/25/2013 15:46:49 PDT
To clarify my previous comment--the back of the tongue presses against the back palate (or roof of the mouth).

Erica Rösi Pedersen
06/25/2013 15:39:50 PDT
Hello. The basic difference between G and NG is that with G, we create the sound by pressing, then moving the tongue off the roof of the mouth. With NG, we do not press as much and we leave it there, then lightly move it as we transition to the next word. That is the technical explanation. I would explain that to her and use this page to get the sound clear. Once she is doing it correctly, she can practice for several mornings by thinking through the things that she plans to that day (using -ing verbs). Hope this helps!

06/25/2013 03:51:59 PDT
I have a Ukrainian student who adds a "k" sound after a word ending in "ing" so that "thing" sounds like "think". How can I best help her?