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English Pronunciation News: Betty Ford Remembered

Watch the video and read the news for 7/11/2011. This news report focuses on word stress. Learn the news and study American English pronunciation. Read other English pronunciation news reports.

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Former First Lady, Betty Ford, has died at the age of 93 from natural causes. She became well-known for her candor and honesty. At a time when people did not speak publicly about uncomfortable subjects, such as cancer and substance abuse, she shared her battles with both of these. Her public acknowledgement of her struggle with breast cancer led countless women to get regular medical exams. Her openness about her difficulties with alcohol and an addiction to painkillers lessened the stigma associated with these issues. The Betty Ford Center, a substance abuse recovery clinic in California, continues to assist people with chemical addictions. Her husband, Gerald Ford, was the only president who was not elected to office. He was the vice president who assumed power after Nixon resigned in 1974. However, he lost to Jimmy Carter in the following presidential election.


Study Word Stress

Stress the words in bold and pause for the slashes (/) to speak with good intonation or word stress.

Former First Lady, Betty Ford, has died / at the age of 93 / from natural causes. / She became well-known / for her candor / and honesty. At a time / when people did not speak publicly / about uncomfortable subjects, / such as cancer / and substance abuse, / she shared her battles / with both of these. / Her public acknowledgement / of her struggle with breast cancer / led countless women / to get regular medical exams. / Her openness / about her difficulties / with alcohol / and an addiction to painkillers / lessened the stigma associated / with these issues. / The Betty Ford Center, / a substance abuse recovery clinic / in California, / continues to assist people / with chemical addictions. / Her husband, / Gerald Ford, / was the only president / who was not elected to office. / He was the vice president / who assumed power after Nixon resigned / in 1974. / However, he lost / to Jimmy Carter / in the following presidential election.

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