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English Pronunciation News: Obama's Job Plan

Watch the video and read the news for 8/31/2011. Learn current news and study American English pronunciation. Read other English pronunciation news reports.

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President Obama's team is in the process of making a crucial decision. For the Job Plan, will Obama attempt sweeping change or will he aim for small changes that are more likely to pass in a divided Congress? If he proposes big changes, he will need a plan which does not involve too much spending. Polls show that the American people, especially the independents, are no longer in favor of spending, though people do desire an end to the poor economy. If he proposes a plan with small changes, he might be successful, but the success may not be credited to him. As Republicans prepare to challenge him in 2012,he needs the American public to see him in action. He faces a tremendous challenge.


Study the Word Stress

Stress the word/syllable in bold print. Pause at the "/." Listening to the video, notice how small words get reduced, i.e. to is usually t'.

President Obama's team / is in the process / of making a crucial decision. / For the Job Plan, / will Obama attempt sweeping changes / or will he aim for small changes / that are more likely to pass /in a divided Congress? / If he proposes big changes, / he will need a plan / which does not involve / too much spending. / Polls show / that the American people, / especially the independents, / are no longer / in favor of spending, / though people do desire an end / to the poor economy. / If he proposes a plan / with small changes, / he might be successful, / but the success may not be credited to him. / As Republicans prepare to challenge him / in 2012, / he needs the American public to see him / in action. /He faces / a tremendous challenge.

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