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English Pronunciation News

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Medical Practices that are Overused


The American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American College of Cardiology are claiming that 45 medical tests and procedures are overused. They are calling for the reduction of these procedures. This is surprising because in medicine, the standard has usually included more tests, not less.

Some of the tests include:

  • early imaging for back pain
  • brain scans for people who have fainted
  • antibiotics for mild sinusitis
  • PAP smears on women younger than 21
  • chemotherapy for very sick cancer patients

The overall goal is to reduce excessive spending on healthcare without reducing the quality of care. Some of the tests which are regularly given expose patients to radiation, and reducing the number of these could facilitate health overall. Tests and procedures were chosen due to statistics which show a low probability in a treatment's usefulness or success. For instance, many patients with large tumors who have not responded to previous chemotherapy treatments fail to respond to final chemo attempts. Patients at this stage could receive more soothing, end-of-life care.

These are only a few examples. The medical community will face the challenge of balancing probabilities with the care of individuals.

Answer the questions on pronunciation.

1. Where is the syllable stress in the words "American Society?"
American Society
b. American Society
c. American Society

2. Where is the syllable stress in "college" and "cardiology?"
a. college, cardiology
b. college, cardiology

c. college, cardiology

3. What is the syllable stress in "antibiotics" and sinusitis?"
a. antibiotics, sinusitis
b. antibiotics, sinusitis
c. antibiotics, sinusitis

4. Which words does the speaker stress in this sentence?
a. They are calling for the reduction of these procedures.
b. They are calling for the reduction of these procedures.
c. They are calling for the reduction of these procedures.

Which words does the speaker stress in this sentence?
a. Patients at this stage could receive more soothing, end-of-life care.
b. Patients at this stage could receive more soothing, end-of-life care.
c. Patients at this stage could receive more soothing, end-of-life care.

Which words does the speaker stress in this sentence?
The medical community will face the challenge of balancing probabilities with the care of individuals.
b. The medical community will face the challenge of balancing probabilities with the care of individuals.
c. The medical community will face the challenge of balancing probabilities with the care of individuals.

see answers at the bottom of the page

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English Pronunciation News

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English Pronunciation News with Speak Method

Answers: 1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c