English Online with Speak Method


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500 Words Extra Practice: the Open A Sound

Practice with Open A (the same sound, short O, is also in bold)

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1. I'd like a bottle of water, please.
2. I want to stop watching TV at night, so we can talk.
3. I sometimes take a walk after dark, but I don't go far.
4. Their daughter takes after her father. She has his eyes.
5. Her daughter likes to draw all the time.
6. There are no large farms in this area, but only small ones. *
7. We saw a falling star when we were camping.
8. I like this shirt, but you only have a large size.
9. Do you have a small size in stock?
10. If you brake too hard, it can cause car problems.
11. Which part of the project was hardest for you?
12. Can we get started now?

* "are" can be reduced when people speak quickly

Advanced Reading Practice: Reading 1 and Reading 2

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500 Words Practice: Short Vowels

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Vowel Sounds

A Sounds

English Pronunciation News: Vowels

English Online with Speak Method