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with Speak Method


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Learn by Language: English Pronunciation

Spanish Speakers

This is a general course for Spanish speakers. You may need to adjust your training somewhat depending on your dialect and level of fluency.

Students should practice for 20 minutes/day as often as possible. Use the pages with word lists and reading practice repeatedly. Watch the videos and repeat after the speaker. (You may need to enable pop-ups to see the videos.) Get further practice by reading from a newspaper or book to apply the sounds and rules.

On all 500 Words pages, there are links for extra practice: use these links too!

For beginners: you may need to study only the 500 word lists, as other pages may be too difficult. It is good to practice pronunciation at the beginning of language learning.

Study Pages
Week 1
Learn about English pronunciation training.
Study the American English position for R.
Practice R in different positions:
as first letter, in the middle and as a last letter.
Begin work on stress.
Introduction to English Pronunciation Training
R Sounds
R Sounds 500 Words
Syllable Stress
Week 2
Pronounce the 2 sounds of TH clearly.
Be careful not to pronounce TH as a "d" or light "t" sound.
Begin thinking about intonation (word stress):
how to speak with natural rhythm.
Continue to work on your R sounds.
TH Sounds
TH Sounds: 500 Words
Read about Intonation (Word Stress)
Practice R sounds
Week 3
Study all short vowel sounds.
Focus on the short I sounds:
the American short I does not sound like "ee" as in "see."
Keep your lips relaxed and use a low pitch for this sound.
Also notice American short A sounds.
Start practicing intonation.

Short Vowels: 500 Words
Intonation: More Basics
Review R sounds
Week 4
Study the long vowel sounds.
These should not be too difficult.
Remember that long vowels are actually long:
move your mouth and speak the sounds fully.
Study the American English reductions of the letter T:
these are very important to pronunciation.
Long Vowels: 500 Words
Study T Sounds
T Sounds: 500 Words
Intonation Practice: American Slang

Week 5
Study the 3 sounds of the -ed ending for the past tense.
Continue to practice short I sounds.
Continue to work on intonation.
Study -ed sounds
I sound review
Intonation Practice: Business Profit

Week 6
Study pronunciations of contractions (he's, they'll, etc.)
Continue intonation practice.
Practice L, V / W and N sounds as neeeded.

Intonation Practice: Business Heirarchy
L Sounds
V and W sounds
N/NG/NK Sounds

Week 7
Learn how the S and Z sound interact.
Listen to a long passage with intonation.
Try to read through all of it with good intonation afterward.
Review verb tenses.
Take the verbs test.
S and Z sounds
Intonation: Business Formality
Verb Tenses
Verbs test
Week 8
Take online tests to see what you know.
Study the grammar pages on use of the small words (articles
and prepositions).
Review everything by reading the English evaluation.
This includes all major English pronunciation rules.
Take the Article Test
Take the Preposition Test

Review grammar as needed
Read English Evaluation
Continued Practice
To keep practicing, read through all the grammar pages
and practice by writing on your own.
You can also record yourself speaking.
Read through the 500 word lists regularly
and take the links to extra practice pages on each sound.
Practice repeating after the videos.
Get new, daily practice with pronunciation rules: English Pronunciation News.
Review all grammar rules
500 Words Lists
English Pronunciation News
If you have not reached your pronunciation goals at the end of this class, do repeat the class. New practice pages are often linked to the pages above. Remember, to change habits of speaking, you need new habits! By practicing pronunciation every day, you give yourself a new habit. Think about the number of years you have spoken English and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to change.

Extra Help

See how you are doing at any time during your training: get an English evaluationSchedule a lesson to start private classes online with skype or in person if you are local (in Seattle).

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The American Accent

Pronunciation of 500 Words

Classes Online

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American Vowel Sounds

English Pronunciation News

English Grammar and Idioms

ESL Stories

Speakmethod.com: Perfect  Your English Pronunciation

Seattle English Pronunciation Classes and Online Pronunciation Classes with Skype