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English Pronunciation News: Floods in Japan Every Day

Watch the video and read this news report for 5/12/2011. Use the English pronunciation tips to practice as you talk to friends and coworkers during the day.
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After the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, some coastal towns survived through fortuitous geography, yet residents have to experience daily floods and frantically rush for their homes at high tide. The northern part of Japan sits on the North American plate. The Pacific tectonic plate is mostly undersea. During the earthquake, the faultline ruptured and the North American plate slid up and out. So this means that Japan literally moved and sank. Many residents in the areas that receive daily flooding still have to pay off housing loans and car loans.

Study the Words

1. fortuitous (for-TOO-i-dus): stress the 2nd syllable, reduce second T
2. geography (jee-O-gru-fee): stress 2nd syllable
3. floods (FLUDS): "oo" sounds like short U as in "up"
4. frantically (FRAN-ti-klee): first A has strong sound, second A is silent
5. faultline (FAULT-line): use stopped T, stress first syllable
6. ruptured (RUP-chrd): "tu" sounds like "ch"
7. sank (SANK): good A sound
8. housing loans: stress the first word in set phrases (regular phrases like "blue jeans")
9. car loans: stress the first word in set phrases (regular phrases)

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