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Answer the
Questions (answers are at the bottom of the page):
1. What is the main idea of this story?
A. The author keeps birds as pets.
B. The author likes to make music and have birds.
C. The author has kept birds for years and recommends keeping birds in a bird room.
D. The author thinks bird rooms are feasible.
2. Which statement is an inference, not a fact?
A. The author does not recommend keeping only one bird as a pet.
B. The author believes birds like to make their own dwellings.
C. The author likes to sing in her bird room.
D. The author has kept canaries and finches.
3. Which details are in the story?
A. using tapestries or sheets, attaching perches, cleaning perches
B. putting twine on the floor, washing tapestries, attaching perches
C. putting string on the floor, attaching perches, buying birds
D. singing with birds, canaries singing, finches singing
4. Match the words with their definitions:
impressive a. do-able
feasible b. plenty
c. better than usual, great
d. homes
dwellings e. social
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1. c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. impressive: c, feasible: a, gregarious: e, ample: b, dwellings: d
2010: I.E. Tutoring/Speakmethod.com