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Stress the 1st Syllable |
intrigue (INtreeg): noun - drama, mystery and suspense | The movie had a lot of intrigue. The main character was a spy who betrayed her friends. |
mirror (MIrer): noun - a place where you see your reflection; verb: being or doing the same thing as another | She looks in the mirror before going to school. She smiles to make sure there is no food between her teeth. |
particle (PARdikul): noun - a very small thing or very small part of a thing | There are many particles of dust in the air. I feel like I will sneeze. |
Stress the 2nd Syllable | |
abroad (uh-BRAHD): noun - out of one's own country | We're going abroad next year. We plan to visit Japan and China. |
advice (ud-VIS): noun - ideas given to assist another person | I welcome your advice. Any ideas you have could help me to make a wise decision. |
Stress the 3rd Syllable | |
disapproval (disuhPROOvul): noun - dislike or lack of acceptance | He expressed his disapproval of the new governor's budget. |
Practice Using These Nouns (the answers are at the bottom of the page)
1. There were ________________ of chalk on the sidewalk for a week.
2. My friend is acting strange. I need _______________ on what to do.
3. We're travelling _______________ this summer. We will visit London.
4. Life does not have to be full of ________________. You can live simply, without too many difficulties.
5. She placed a ______________ on her dressing table.
6. The senator spoke with ________________ about the tax increase.
Copyright: I.E. Tutoring/Speakmethod.com
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