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alter (AL-ter) verb: to change, usually to change in small or detailed ways

He has not altered his appearance in years. He still has the same beard and mustache.
Please do not alter your plans because of me. You should go on vacation without me.

analyze (AN-ul-ize) verb: to organize information for usefulness, to observe information and figure out how and why things are

When we analyzed the budget, we found that with several small cuts we can save $500 a month.

baffle (BA-ful) verb: to confuse, often used with the phrase "as to why" or used with an object-word following, as in "she baffled him."

I'm baffled as to why the salesman called me 10 times in one day. I certainly won't buy anything from him.
My nephew baffled me with his electronics knowledge. He knew of so many applications and devices.

bear (BĀR) verb: to put up with, to deal with, usually something difficult

Please bear with me. I'm doing my best to help you.
She had to bear many difficulties last year. Her husband was sick, and then he lost his job.

block (BLOCK) verb: to stop something physically

He blocked the ball with his arm.
The exit was blocked by a large family that stood in the doorway.

Choose the correct word. Answers are at the bottom of the page. 

1. He could not ___________ her mean words and angry attitude.

2. His strange ways _________________ me.

3. I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was ____________________ the door.

4. After ________________ the data, we will present our report.

5. You don't need to _________ your home. The house will sell as it is.

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answers: 1. bear, 2. baffle, 3. blocking, 4. analyzing, 5. alter

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